Gold Medal Software 3
Gold Medal Software - Volume 3 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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1 And I heard a great voice out Isaiah 66:6 A voice of noise from Romans 2:2-11 But we are sure that "a great voice" /
of the temple saying to the the city, a voice from the the judgment of God is accord- The Lord gives the command from /
seven angels, Go your ways, and temple, a voice of the Lord ing to truth against them which the temple to begin the final stage /
pour out the vials of the wrath that rendereth recompense to commit such things. of the judgment upon the termin- /
of God upon the earth. his enemies. And thinkest thou this, O man, ally evil. Scholars have long noted /
2 And the first went, and poured Exodus 9:10 And they took ashes that judgest them which do such the similarities between the vial /
out his vial upon the earth; and of the furnace, and stood things, and doest the same, that ( bowl ) judgments and the trumpet /
there fell a noisome and grievous before Pharaoh; and Moses thou shalt escape the judgment judgments and also the similarities /
sore upon the men which had the sprinkled it up toward heaven; of God? of many of them to the judgments /
mark of the beast, and upon them and it became a boil breaking Or despiseth thou the riches of upon Egypt. The first four of the /
which worshipped his image. forth with blains upon man, his goodness and forbearance and last plagues are upon the the earth, /
and upon beast. longsuffering; not knowing that the sea, the rivers and the sun as /
3 And the second angel poured out Exodus 7:21 And the fish that was the goodness of God leadeth thee were the trumpet judgments. A major /
his vial upon the sea; and it in the river died; and the to repentance. difference however, is that the /
became as the blood of a dead man: river stank, and the Egyptians But, after thy hardness and vial judgments are universal /
and every living soul died in the could not drink of the water impenitent heart, treasurest up ("every living soul died" ). But /
sea. of the river; and there was unto thyself wrath against the again they are selective and upon /
4 And the third angel poured out blood throughout all the land day of wrath and revelation of "them which had the mark of the /
his vial upon the rivers and foun- of Egypt. the righteous judgment of God; beast". The first trumpet judgement /
tains of waters; and they became Who will render to every man was upon vegetation, trees and /
blood. according to his deeds: grass. In contrast the first vial /
5 And I heard the angel of the Psalms 119:164 Seven times a day To them who by patience contin- judgment is directly upon the unbel- /
waters say, Thou art righteous, O do I praise thee, because of uance in well doing seek for iever those, who have worshipped the /
Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt thy righteous judgments. glory and honour and immortality, beast. We are informed that the next /
be, because thou hast judged thus. eternal life: two judgments are judgements of ret- /
6 For they have shed the blood Psalms 79:3 Their blood have they But unto them that are content- ribution, blood in return for the /
of saints and prophets, and thou shed like water round about ious, and do not obey the truth, shedding of blood. The fourth trum- /
hast given them blood to drink; Jerusalem; and there was none but obey unrighteousness, indig- pet judgment darkened a third part /
for they are worthy. to bury them. nation and wrath, of the heavenly bodies, instead the /
7 And I heard another out of the Psalms 119:137 Righteous art thou, Tribulation and anguish, upon fourth judgment increases the /
altar say, Even so, Lord God O Lord, and upright are thy every soul of man that doeth intensity of the sun's heat. The /
Almighty, true and righteous are judgments. evil; of the jew first, and also next three judgments involve the /
thy judgments. of the Gentile; unholy trinity directly as a /
8 And the fourth angel poured out Joel 1:15&19-20 Alas for the day But glory, honour, and peace, painful darkness falls on the /
his vial upon the sun; and power of the Lord is at hand, and as to every man that worketh good; seat of the beast, their water /
was given unto him to scorch men a destruction from the Almighty to the Jew first, and also to the supply is dried up, and the city /
with fire. shall it come. Gentile: Babylon is attacked. The unholy /
9 And men were scorched with great O Lord, to the will I cry: for For there is no respect of trinity had not been mentioned as /
heat, and blasphemed the name of the fire hath devoured the persons with God. being involved in the trumpet /
God, which hath power over these pastures of the wilderness, and II Timothy 4:8 Henceforth there is judgments. These final judgments /
plagues: and they repented not to the flame hath burned all the laid up for me a crown of right- are direct attacks on the perp- /
give him glory. trees of the field. eousness, which the Lord, the etrators of evil. The verse to /
The beasts of the field cry righteous judge, shall give me "he that watcheth" comes as a /
also unto thee: for the rivers at that day: and not to me only sudden surprise. Can it be that /
waters are dried up, and the but unto all them also that love there still exists on the earth /
fire hath devoured the pastures his appearing. believers that have not been /
of the wilderness. slain who have resisted the /
10 And the fifth angel poured out Exodus 10:21-22 And the Lord said Matthew 24:29 Immediately after the forces of evil? Has the beast /
his vial upon the seat of the unto Moses, Stretch out thine tribulation of those days shall failed to locate all the believ- /
beast; and his kingdom was full of hand toward heaven, that there the sun be darkened, and the moon vers who have kept their garments /
darkness; and they gnawed their was a thick darkness over the shall not give her light, and the or covering of righteousness? It /
tongues for pain, land of Egypt, even darkness stars shall fall from heaven, and would appear so! /
which may be felt. the powers of heaven shall be /
And Moses stretched forth his shaken: "Euphrates: and the water thereof was /
hand toward heaven; and there dried up" /
was a thick darkness in all the The Euphrates river is the eastern /
land of Egypt three days: border of the land given to the /
11 And blasphemed the God of Isaiah 57:20-21 But the wicked are II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and children of Israel, much of which /
heaven because of their pains and like the troubled sea, when it seducers shall wax worse and they never fully occupied. It is /
their sores, and repented not of cannot rest, whose waters cast worse, deceiving, and being still theirs to claim, as they /
their deeds. up mire and dirt. deceived. accept the Messiah. Across this /
There is no peace, saith my dry river will come part of the /
Lord to the wicked. mighty army that the deceiver will /
12 And the sixth angel poured out Jeremiah 50:38 A drought is upon gather for the final attempt to /
his vial upon the great river Euph- her waters; and they shall be overcome the forces of justice. /
rates; and the water thereof was dried up: for it is the land They will gather at "Har-megiddon" /
dried up, that the way of the kings of graven images, and they are which is the mount of Megiddo". /
of the east might be prepared. mad upon their idols. Many identify this as the small /
13 And I saw three unclean spirits Zechariah 14:1-3 Behold, the day Acts 8:7 For unclean spirits, crying mountain near the city of Megiddo /
like frogs come out of the mouth of the Lord cometh, and thy with loud voice, came out of many on the plain of Esdraelon which /
of the dragon, and out of the mouth spoil shall be divided in the that were possessed with them,... was the sight of many Old Testa- /
of the beast, and out of the mouth midst of thee. ment battles. Other scholars would /
of the false prophet. For I will gather all nations identify this as the sight of /
14 For they are the spirits of against Jerusalem to battle; Jerusalem since it will be the /
devils, working miracles, which go and the city shall be taken, sight of the final battle. /
forth unto the kings of the earth and the houses rifled, and the /
and of the whole world, to gather women ravished; and half the I Thessalonians 5:2-3 For yourselves "spirits of devils working miracles" /
them to the battle of that great city shall go forth into know perfectly that the day of It is difficult for us to under- /
day of God Almighty. captivity, and the residue of the Lord so cometh as a thief in stand what type of miracles would /
the people shall not be cut off the night. deceive men into forming a army /
from the city. For when they shall say, Peace to battle the heavenly source of /
Then shall the Lord go forth, and safety; then sudden destruction so great a series of disasters /
and fight against those cometh upon them, as travail upon upon the earth. How could man /
nations, as when he fought in a woman with child; and they shall endure such suffering and pain and /
the day of battle. not escape. still repent not? But of course /
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Isaiah 29:5-6 ...Yea, it shall be Matthew 24:43-44 But know this, that we need to only read the story /
Blessed is he that watcheth, and at an instant suddenly. if the goodman of the house had of Pharaoh. (Exodus 14:8) "And /
keepeth his garments, lest he walk Thou shalt be visited of the known in what watch the thief the Lord hardened the heart of /
naked, and they see his shame. Lord of hosts with thunder, and would come, he would have watched, Pharoah king of Egypt, and he /
with earthquake, and great and would not have suffered his pursued after the children of /
noise, with storm and tempest, house to be broken up. Israel." The Lord is still in /
and the flame of devouring Therefore be ye also ready; for control! He uses evil and un- /
fire. in such an hour as ye think not believing man to accomplish his /
16 And he gathered them together Zechariah 12:11 In that day shall the Son of man cometh. will at his desire, even the /
into a place called in the Hebrew there be a great mourning in II Corinthians 5:2-3 For in this we spirits of demons and satan his- /
tongue Armageddon. Jerusalem, as the mourning of groan, earnestly desiring to be self to aid in accomplishing his /
Hadadrimmon in the valley of clothed upon with our house which will. Those who want to be /
Megiddon. is from heaven: deceived, those who are willing /
17 And the seventh angel poured If so be that being clothed we to believe anything but the truth /
out his vial into the air, and shall not be found naked. will readily follow the leading /
there came a great voice out of of most any false prophet. And a /
the temple of heaven, from the spirit or false prophet that does /
throne, saying, It is done. miracles would be even more comp- /
18 And there were voices, and Isaiah 24:19 The earth is utterly Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes elling. They gain pleasure from /
thunders, and lightnings; and broken down, the earth is clean shall be in divers places, and all forms of unrighteousness and /
there was a great earthquake, such dissolved, the earth is moved famines, and pestilences; and will follow willingly those that /
as was not since men were upon the exceedingly. fearful sights and great signs promise such ungodly pleasure. /
earth, so mighty an earthquake, The earth shall reel to and shall there be from heaven. Satan will always be able to find /
and so great. fro like a drunkard, and shall Romans 1:18&28-32 For the wrath of followers as long as this earth /
be removed like a cottage; and God is revealed from heaven remains in its present state of /
the transgression thereof shall against all ungodliness and sin and degradation. /
be heavy upon it; and it shall unrighteousness of men, who hold /
fall, and not rise again. the truth in unrighteousness; "every island fled away, and the /
And it shall come to pass in And even as they did not like mountains were not found" /
that day, that the Lord shall to retain God in their knowle- The result of the final plagues /
punish the host of the high dge, God gave them over to a will completely change the looks /
ones that are on high, and the reprobate mind, to do those of this abused planet. Only the /
kings of the earth upon the things which are not convenient; the Creator as a Recreator can /
earth. Being filled with all unright- restore it to a condition /
19 And the great city was divided Jeremiah 51:29 And the land shall eousness, fornication, wickedness, which earthly man can once again /
into three parts, and the cities tremble and sorrow: for every covetousness, maliciousness; full inhabit. /
of the nations fell: and great purpose of the Lord shall be of envy, murder, debate, deceit, /
Babylon came in remembrance before performed against Babylon, to malignity; whisperers, "not since men were upon the earth" /
God, to give unto her the cup of make the land of Babylon a Backbiters, haters of God, despi- Has man truly degraded to the /
the wine of the fierceness of his desolation without an teful, proud, boasters, inventors point that so many will be term- /
wrath. inhabitant. of evil things, disobedient to inally evil and so easily deceived? /
20 And every island fled away, and Exodus 9:23-24 ...and the Lord parents, The logic of man often will say /
the mountains were not found. sent thunder and hail, and the Without understanding, covenant- that there is good in every man /
21 And there fell upon men a great fire ran along upon the ground; breakers, without natural affec- and that no "good" God could give /
hail out of heaven, every stone and the Lord rained hail upon tion, implacable, unmerciful: up on so many men. /
about the weight of a talent: and the land of Egypt. Who, knowing the judgment of God, /
men blasphemed God because of the So there was hail, and fire that they which commit such things "men blasphemed the name of God" /
plague of the hail; for the plague mingled with hail, very griev- are worthy of death, not only do "and they repented not" /
thereof was exceeding great. ous, .... the same, but have pleasure in We have our answer. Regardless /
them that do them. of what the logic of man would /
tell us, there are men for which /
there is no known event or torment /
which will lead them to the truth. /